- Back cards : character revives and has the same stats and same
wounds as when it was killed.
- Gravel Storm : For the rest of the turn, no shooting possible, half
movement. Every character outdoors checks : on a 5+ take 1 hit. Tusken Raiders don't suffer.
- Timer Mine : character who took the last action takes a D12 attack. No
dodge modifiers.
- I've got a bad feeling about this : Next turn two random events are
shuffled into the pile.
- CPI : the Empire decided to blow away the planet you're on. Roll die.
That many turns are left until the big boom. (can be 3 turns before or 3
turns after).
- Jawa Pack : A player with Lost Jawa's regains 1/2 (round up) of them
- Elorrs Madak : next character gets the pilot skill
- MacroScan : A player with lost Tusken Raiders regains 1/2 (round up) of
- Run Luke Run! : Luke's movement is doubled for his next turn.
- Tatooine Utility Belt : You don't suffer from folowing effects : Gravel
Storm. Also player gets Thick Skin skill.
- A Disturbance in the Force : All jedi's get a -1 penalty this turn
- Nightfall : It is now dark if it was day and vice versa.
- Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi : The last character who took an action can't be
shot at until his next turn.
- Jedi Presence : All rebels get +1 until next turn
- Dark Jedi Presence : All imperials get +1 until next turn
- Krayt Dragon Howl : a hungry Krayt Dragon appears!
- Move Along : Next characters turn is skipped
- Wrong Turn : Next characters turn is skipped
- Utinni : Next character must use full movement for 1 turn in a straight
line to the character that moved last.
- Thank the maker : all not-destroyed droids are restored to normal
- Panic : All characters for the rest of the turn must roll 5+ on their
shoot die or they skip their turn.
- How did we get into this mess : all droids on table have their movement
doubled for this turn.
- Rebel reinforcements : players with lost rebeltroopers regain 1/2 (round
down) of them.
- Surprise assault : The character who just had his turn can take another
- It could be worse : restore one wound of the character who just took his
turn. (penaltys still remain)
- The Bith Shuffle : All cards are shuffled back into the pile, a new
random event is inserted.
- We're doomed : Everybody gets -1
- Vader's Obsession : If Darth Vader killed Luke Skywalker by the end of the turn,
he can ignore two shots a turn.
- Stormtrooper Utility Belt : +1 dodge for the character who has it (the
character that moved last).
- Send A detachment down : stormtroopers get +1 to shoot against droids
until the end of the game
- Juri Juice : The drink you just had seems a little bit too
alcoholic...character who's turn is next get's -1 until his next turn
- Scanning Crew : previous character can look trough draw pile and take 1
character out for this turn.
- Luke? Luuke!! : Luke immediately gets an extra turn
- Your eyes can deceive you : -1 to shoot for the next character
- Boring Conversation Anyway : Same as Luke Luuke but now for Han.
- The Circle is now complete : if Obi gets a hit from Vader in a brawl
by the end of the turn, he's killed.
- Vader's eye : vader gets +1 for the rest of the game
- Your Powers are Weak Old Man : Obi Wan get's -1 for the rest of the game
- Full Scale Alert : roll a D6, if it is lower than number of
stormtroopers on table, rebels can't MOVE this turn.
- Trooper Charge : the next trooper on turn, get's a D12 as abiltity for
his next turn but he get's one hit at the end of the turn. (optional ability)
- Imperial reinforcements : same as Rebel Reinforcements but now for
- Dead Jawa : Stormtroopers get +1 to shoot when targetting Jawa's for the
rest of the game.
- I've got a problem here : apparently the next characters weapon doesn't
function this turn, you can't shoot.
- It's worse : If the previous character inflicted a wound, the victim gets another one
on the same location
- Omni Box : same as Bith Shuffle
- Overload : the previous character's weapon explodes. He takes 1 hit.
- Precise Attack : all stormtroopers are so precise and get +1 to shoot
this turn
- Tusken Scavengers : the next tusken raider gets a random weapon.
- I Have a very bad feeling about this : 3 random events are shuffled into
the pile next turn
- Let the wookie win : Chewbacca can choose one of his die rolls be any
number he wants, this turn (still possible for the die roll too)
- Quite a mercenary : all smugglers' movement is doubled
- Sabotage : next characters weapon is sabotaged and can't be used again.
- Wookie Roar : back card for Chewie
- Dark Waters : where the character is. If a character passes by, he
checks, if he rolls a 6 on D6 a Dianoga appears and attacks him immediately.
movement halved through this area. (size of the card)
- Imperial Justice : If rebels outnumber the oppponent, all imperials get
+1 for the rest of the turn
- oota-goota Solo : all smugglers can't do a thing this turn
- Sniper : Next player can take a shot without penaltys for range. (he
can't move this turn)
- Stunning Leader : main characters next turn is skipped.
- It Can Wait : next character is put at the end of draw deck
- Lucky Shot : Next Shot get's a +2.
- You have failed me for the last time : The next stormtrooper who misses a
shot this turn is killed (only if Vader is still alive).
- A Dark time for the rebellion : all rebels get -1 to dodge
- Direct Hit : Next hit does double damage.
- Exhaustion : Character whose turn just ended is exhausted. He must
skip his next turn (place a counter).
- Lightsaber Deficiency : Light sabers don't work this turn
- Mournful Roar : Chewbacca gets -1 this turn
- Resonsibility of Command : Next character with leaderskill, loses his
leader skill.
- Stop Motion : Next character can't move
- Dianoga : If there's a habitat for it on table put it there.
- Wampa : same as Dianoga
- Weapon Malfunction : Next characters weapon doesn't function anymore.
Every turn check. on a 5+ on a D6, weapon repaired.
- Quick Draw : next character gains the 'quick draw' skill.
- Vine Snake : character whose turn just ended is attacked by a Vine
Snake (ability : D8. Attacks every turn. cumulative -1 on every die. If all of the
dies are reduced to zero the character is dead. Character has a dodge of at
least D4.)
- Fear : next character is feared. He can't move and all his skill dies
are reduced to D4's. (Vader and Obi are immune)
- Frustration : If next character shoots and misses. he's frustrated and
can only shoot at the same target for the next turns until it is out of range.
- Dodge : next character's player can keep this card and use this card whenever he
wants to automatically succeed in a dodge roll.
- Dash : next character's movement is doubled for his next turn
- Blaster Proficiency : next character get's +1 to shoot when
shooting with any blaster for the rest of the game
- Fall of the Empire : all imperials have -1 to dodge for the rest of the
- trooper assault : all troopers receive +1 for the rest of the turn
- Leia of Alderaan : Leia get's +1 to every skill and all troopers within
10 receive +1 on their ability die, for the remainder of the game.
Author : Maarten Logghe