- Con saving throw Bonus : +5
- XP's
- level 8 Dwarven Battlerager
- Thaco 11
- AC (1 beter in rage)
- in rage : immune to charm person, emotion, fear, friends, hypnotism,
sleep, irritation, ray of enfeeblement, scare, geas
- in rage : immune to command, charm person, enthrall, cloak of bravery,
remove fear, symbol
- in rage +4 saving throw against : blindness, Tasha's uncontrollable hideous
laughter, hold person, charm monster, confusion, hold animal
- in rage : immune to KO results in barehanded combat and takes only half
damge from barehanded combat.
- in rage : immune to bless, cure light wounds, aid, cure serious wounds,
cure critical wounds
- in rage : taunt spell is automatically succesful and must attack taunter
- in rage : makes INT check if friend does something that can be
interpreted as in attack...
- Battle Axe (sp) :
- Thaco 10 attacks 2/1 Dam 1d8+7 spd 5
- Thaco 9 attacks 2/1 Dam 1d8+10 spd 5
- War Hammer :
- Thaco 11 attacks 3/2 Dam 1d4+6 spd 2
- Thaco 10 attacks 3/2 Dam 1d4+9 spd 2
- Spiked Gloves :
- Thaco 11 attacks 3/2 Dam 1d4+6 spd -2
- Thaco 10 attacks 3/2 Dam 1d4+9 spd -2